'Save America Fund'

In these tough economic times there are a great number of people that struggle to make it financially from one day to the next. In the majority of cases, it is not as though these individuals are not trying to earn a legitimate living. With the failure of businesses to increase wages to offset the cost of living, the lack of job availability and the ever-present threat of layoffs these individuals are offered no relief. As Christians we should take this opportunity to help those that are less fortunate than ourselves. Therefore, this program is intended to do just that. Fifty percent (50%) of all donations and tithing made to Christian Interfaith Ministries are placed into the Save America Fund.

The Save America Fund is intended to provide financial relief to those that are facing financial hardship by paying their utilities, mortgage/rent, or automobile repair bill for the month. Every month one recipient is selected based upon their level of financial need. The amount awarded is based upon the available funds, and the recipient's level of financial hardship.

It is time to begin looking within. For years we have seen those organizations that want to minister to people outside the United States, and offer financial aid to these individuals. No doubt, this is heartfelt and compassionate. However, Christian Interfaith Ministries believes it is time that we help those that are struggling here at home. Therefore, applicants for this fund must be United States citizens.

Applicant Requirements

  1. Must not have been convicted of a felony in any state or territory within the U.S.
  2. Must not have been convicted of a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence in any state or territory within the U.S.
  3. Must not have been convicted of a charge of Driving Under the Influence ("DUI") or Driving While Impaired ("DWI") in any state or territory within the U.S. in the past two years.
  4. Must not have any criminal charges pending within any U.S. state or territory.
  5. Must not have been a recipient of the Save America Fund within the past 90 days.
  6. Must be a United States citizen, and have the ability to prove citizenship through valid documentation upon request.
  7. Must be residing within the continental United States.
  8. Must complete and submit a signed application by the 15th of the applicable month.

Application Process

  1. Complete and email a signed application to [email protected] by the 15th of the month.
  2. Upon receipt of your application the Ministry's Save America Fund Committee will evaluate and compare your application against other qualifying applications for the upcoming month.
  3. The Save America Fund Committee Chairman will contact the selected recipient via email by the 22nd of the month to notify them of the amount awarded, and request payment information (e.g., debtor name, address, phone number, account number and bill amount) for the bill(s) that will be paid on the recipient's behalf.
  4. Christian Interfaith Ministries will disburse a check, in care of the selected recipient, to the recipient's bill company (or companies) for the amount(s) due, or in a lesser amount that is specified by the Committee. Checks are disbursed by the last day of the month.